Bachmann - Preconfigured custom modules for power strips
The custom modules from Bachmann allow the desk connection panels and socket strips to be individually equipped. The slots / ports of the multiple sockets from Bachmann are already preconfigured with power / Schuko or USB. A large number of the sockets also have so-called custom modules, which can be configured individually. The installation is simple and the range is diverse.
Flexible assembly of the power strip with custom modules (USB, VGA)
Custom modules allow an optimal configuration for any (even new) requirement for media technology and network connections and are pre-equipped or pre-configured. Due to the simple assembly and disassembly, all installations can be quickly adapted to changed requirements or the latest state of the art. For audio / image transmission, custom modules with VGA, jack, HDMI, mini jack, button, DVI, display port, RCA video, RCA audio stereo, SAT / TV / radio, XLR microphone and speaker connection are available. For data transmission, modules with USB 2.0, USB 3.0 and Firewire are in the Bachmann range. In addition, there are cable bushings, blind covers, buttons / switches and adapters for the switch pograms of other manufacturers. In the Venid, Conference, Top Frame, Coni, Coni Duo, Coneo, Power Frame, Kapsa, Due, Pix, Lift, Desk 2, Desk Rail and Desk 1 desk and wall connection panels from Bachmann, the custom modules can be placed quickly and easily in the empty fields. With Bachmann's power strips, this is possible with the Step and Universal. The custom modules allow individual assignment of the empty fields.
Note: In combination with Bachmann PIX / KAPSA / DUE with cover and POWER FRAME COVER only flush keystones / custom modules can be used.
62 products